domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Values and Anti-values

For: Jaqueline Viridiana Pérez Martinez
         Jose Felipe Plata

The following information is very important for all of us, it is essential to become better people in life, & I hope you enjoy it.


The values are principles that allow us to guide our behavior according to realize ourselves. They are fundamental beliefs that help us to prefer, appreciate and choose some things over others, or behavior instead. They are also a source of satisfaction and fulfillment.
They refer to human needs and represent ideals, dreams and aspirations, with independent import of circumstances. For example, even if we are unjust justice still has value. The same applies to welfare or happiness.
The values ​​are translated into thoughts, concepts or ideas, but what I appreciate most is the behavior, what people do. A valuable person is one who lives according to the values ​​in which he believes. She is worth what they are worth their values ​​and the way in which he lives.
We provide a guideline for formulating goals and purposes, personal or collective. They reflect our interests, feelings and most important convictions.

Examples of values ​​are:
  • responsibility
  • respect
  • freedom
  • austerity
  • cooperation
  • sincerity
And So among other more.


Just as there are ethical moral values ​​which are the act well, we must also take into 
account that there are some negative values ​​that have meaning act so contrary to the values​​. The anti values ​​are contrary to the dignity of human nature since every human being is called to improve himself through the practice of virtue by performing well. When a person acts in accordance with some anti value is acting under its posibilidades.En anti human level there are values ​​that can interfere in personal relationships: 

  •   Dishonesty: displays an attitude of treason towards another person that there is a bond of trust. A dishonest act breaks that trust in a timely manner as a result of a particular attitude. In the context of the scope of the couple, a lie is an act of dishonesty. 
  •   Arrogance: shows the attitude of pride and arrogance that you have in your relationships to the point that it behaves as if above the other. In line we pride vainglory and pride attitudes that break the pattern of equality in relationships. 
  •   The hatred: is a feeling in itself harmful for sufferer because hate someone is to desire that person's disease. We should note that hate produces a huge load of negative energy. Hate differs from envy in that one who is envious, suffers sorrow for another's good but do not want the evil of that person. But envy is also an anti worth while is contrary to love. 

  Intolerance - Lie - Irresponsibility - Misrepresentation - Disobedience - Pride - Advantage Injustice - Negligence - Disrespect - Arrogance - Arrogance - Misanthropy - Infidelity - Dishonesty - Treachery - Treachery - Selfishness - Criticism - Burla - Envy - Lack of manners - Indiscretion - Slavery. 
These are the values ​​and anti-values ​​that exist in society, we must take into 
account values ​​are; they plow us people with a personality very well and if we carry out will be better people. 
And I hope this information is to your liking.

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